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Birmingham’s Public Health Director Jim McManus wants the power to ban your local chip shop or to be able to force them to sell less fatty foods.
He wants health to be a major issue in planning applications for new fast food outlets. In my opinion this along with other recent intrusions in to our freedom of choice all smacks a little bit of “Big Brother”
I can see a new “health tax” in the offing in the not too distant future, where anything deemed not good for you is highly taxed.
Make Love, Not War
I hope that means all politicians will be heavily taxed, as they certainly are not good for you
Posts: | 3.265 |
Date registered | 12.26.2009 |
To be honest, I think he has got a bloody cheek. How dare he try to legislate what is good for us, we still have freedom of choice (well only just) The main reason for my objection though is that he doesn't look any stranger to the chip shop himself.
Make Love, Not War
I think it's time all these Nanny State Politicians got into the real world instead of feathering their own nest and constantly talking pure crap just to get their name an picture in whichever rag will lower itself to publish it. SB
I started out with nothing and Iv'e still got most of it left
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
I can put up with a nanny state, I can put up with politicians spouting rubbish because thats what they do. What I can't put up with is an overweight civil servant telling us that we are too fat and that he going to curtail our freedom of choice to cure us.
Make Love, Not War
If in doubt tax it alcohol is the latest hobby horse the politicians have made provision to tax heavily . They have started at a very low competley
ineffective , at the present time , minimum price for alcohol . Just watch the media for a big campaign on anti social , drink related , behaviour and then various diseases related to drinking and how much they cost the NHS . There are of course problems in both of these areas particularly under age drinking but there are existing laws to cover this , there are also millions of people who enjoy a drink and don't cause problems or suffer ill health as a result but I don't suppose any rebates for them will be availible
Posts: | 942 |
Date registered | 12.28.2009 |
Do you know I am sick of it all,don't smoke,Don't drink don't do this that or the other.
Glad I was born in my own generation ,what a boring life these do gooders want for us all.
When I was a smoker, I was at least a 3 pack a day smoker. My uncle being a non smoker (occasional cigar) used to laugh when I cursed every time they went up in price. I used to say to him you may laugh now but wait until they have pushed the smoker as far as they can push and they begin to loose revenue. It will be the turn of the drinker next (he liked a pint). I said it will be the same as tobacco they will say its bad for your health and we have got to increase the tax for the good of your health.
It seems I was right.
Make Love, Not War
I'm sure you're spot on Phil and very soon I fear there will be a premium on whatever foods can be deemed unhealthy . It seems all the pleasures that people have will be taxed ,for the good of our health obviously . I can't speak for anyone else but I have never voted for anyone to fine me if I don't ahere to their program for a healthy life . These taxes will of course have a minimal effect on the wealthy but a big impact on low wage earners or people on benifit , the same old story don't do as I do do as I say .
Posts: | 942 |
Date registered | 12.28.2009 |
Hi Den I don't think the people with the power behind these taxes are do gooders they are oportunists determined to take more money off us , the do gooders are used to provide the amunition they use to achieve it . I f everyone stopped smoking and drinking and driving cars the country would be bankrupt .
Posts: | 942 |
Date registered | 12.28.2009 |
Biggest source of revenue the government has- THE WORKING MAN and WOMAN.
His master plan is that in a row of 9 shops, no more than 4 should be fast food, I would call that a disaster, 1 would be plenty.
The trouble is that the number of local chippies, that produce reasonable numbers of good chips (and hopefully fish) is in decline , to b ereplaced by a large number of burger bars producing vile burgers with very small amounts (for the price) of chips, or even worse, kebabs containing , in most cases, peculiar mixtures of unknown meat(?) gunge
Posts: | 3.265 |
Date registered | 12.26.2009 |
If I am honest it would not bother me one iota if the closed all the fast food outlets tomorrow, as long as they leave the chippy alone. I think the young would rather eat a burger any day rather than chips. I have even noticed a growing trend in chippy's selling burgers over the last few years.
Make Love, Not War
We have one chippy that is what I call a traditional chip shop,only one I know of anyway.
I pass mc donalds most days and it is always busy,but give me the chippy anytime LOL.