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well i stayed on an extra year at school to take cse exams and shorthand typing and in those days jobs were plentiful..i remember i went for 6 interviews and was offered 5 out of the 6 so i was spoilt for choice...anyway decided to take a job with a little family run wholesale jewellers in vyse st as a typist come general dogs body...i loved it...apart from the typing i made the tea..fetched the sarnies from the cafe..run errands..took the post down to key hill post office at the end of the day..just about everything really..then i did switchboard training at the gpo and found another job as a telephonist..loved that as well and beleive you me those switchboards could get very hetic and more than once i got me wires crossed lol....but very happy days indeed.. recenty went amberley museum and guess what i spotted and just could not resist it...there was one of my old switchboards..wonder if volty could handle one of these lol...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
My first job was just around the corner from you Lyn, Munns Brothers Photofinishers 45-55 Camden Street Hockley. We did all the D&P for Boots, Timothy Whites, Cine Equipments, around 400 odd dealers altogether and in the summer we called on them all twice a day. We had eight vans on the road, one of my jobs was to go out and teach the drivers the rounds, I used to really enjoy that.
Our biggest customer by far was Galloways camera Corner in Victoria square, it was by the side of Lyons's coffee shop.
That's where I used to catch my bus home most nights. SB
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Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
My first job was as an apprentice signwriter at Francis Burley Central Sign Studio, Stafford Street, opposite W. H. Price.
I was there 9 years, and then just went from job to job always looking for more experience and money , as Lyn says you could just walk into a job they were so plentiful.
thanks for your memories SB...i think most of us will always remember our first job no matter how many we have after that...heres a couple of pics...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
john...you would be lucky to even get an interview these days...shame...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
I started as an apprentice with N G Bailey, straight from school, and apart from a couple of spells in the pub, between proper electrical jobs, I stuck with it and went self employed in 1988.
Out of five job interviews in my life I got four of them, one of the four was when I was offered a job as assistant chemicals buyer at Cannings, but I eventually had to turn it down after a week or so as I was stilll waiting to see if I was going to be accepted at Bailey's, they really dragged their feet in letting us know. It wasn't such a big deal though as there were plenty of jobs about and if I didn't get Bailey's I was probably going to be in chemistry in some way. I often wonder what could have been.
"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one you have." Emile-Auguste Chartier
Posts: | 18.439 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
volty..does no good but i often wonder what may have been...where was n g baileys..it rings a bell to me and did they have any other places wolverhampton way...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
ahh phil..you sound a bit like our dad was..spent a lot of time on the windows and other things rather than work for someone else..everytime he worked in factories and he was unduely messed about etc he would down tools in the middle of the shop floor and leave them there along with his overalls and get one of us kids to pick up his wages on the friday lol..never suffered fools gladly did our dad.....i do see where you are coming from though...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
Zitat von astoness
volty..does no good but i often wonder what may have been...where was n g baileys..it rings a bell to me and did they have any other places wolverhampton way...
Astoness, they were in Etna House, between Fox street and Grosvenor Street in town, the training school and stores were at the back.
I also used to go to the training school in Leeds. I don't remember if they had any premises in Wolverhampton.
They have now moved to a building by the Whirlwind petrol station on the Coventry Road. The city centre building has been knocked down.
"Nothing is more dangerous than an idea when it is the only one you have." Emile-Auguste Chartier
Posts: | 18.439 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
Quote: denise wrote in post #8
....Was in Handsworth when the riots happened,we all knew for a few days before what was brewing on the streets and told to stay home....
Posts: | 37 |
Date registered | 02.20.2013 |
hi marion that UB0 office is still there...mind you it would be what with all the unemployement we still have
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
Quote: astoness wrote in post #15
hi marion that UB0 office is still there...mind you it would be what with all the unemployement we still have
Posts: | 37 |
Date registered | 02.20.2013 |
Quote: Marion wrote in post #17Quote: astoness wrote in post #15
hi marion that UB0 office is still there...mind you it would be what with all the unemployement we still have
Lyn, I think the UBO office moved, but could you be thinking of the D.S.S. Office which was over the road and down a bit from it?
It was more modern looking.
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
Bild entfernt (keine Rechte)well if we discount 4 years of doing three paper rounds a day except sundays - then my first real job was a deck hand of a fishing trawler, mostly out of Lowestoft and also grimsby, must same I really enjoyed it 5 or 6 days of very hard work somtimes in not so great weather, then 3 days off, to drink and chase girls, what else could a young lad ask???. now 60 odd years later I still love ships - be it a more refined setting of a cruise ship, which allows me to enjoy my two hobbies ships and photography - struck gold last week got an invite to launch of Queen Mary 2 late next month
Posts: | 1.947 |
Date registered | 11.27.2012 |
Quote: Sheldonboy wrote in post #20Quote: tca wrote in post #19
[[File:david's first ship.jpg|none|auto]]well if we discount 4 years of doing three paper rounds a day except sundays - then my first real job was a deck hand of a fishing trawler, mostly out of Lowestoft and also grimsby, must same I really enjoyed it 5 or 6 days of very hard work somtimes in not so great weather, then 3 days off, to drink and chase girls, what else could a young lad ask???. now 60 odd years later I still love ships - be it a more refined setting of a cruise ship, which allows me to enjoy my two hobbies ships and photography - struck gold last week got an invite to lunch of Queen Mary 2 late next month
I started out with nothing and I've still got most of it left.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |