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Here's an idea.
Long before we reach the point of no return the hidden powers behind the powers, will cull the human race probably with a genetically engineered pandemic virus and even go to the trouble to make an ineffective antidote, or maybe say nothing, and just release it, making sure that the elite are safe.
If it means that, or total destruction of the earth. What say you?
Posts: | 240 |
Date registered | 12.27.2009 |
There are conspiracy theories about this possibility already. Including this scenario:
World governments spread the word that a major disease is being spread virally. Then everone is told it is a killer and make it compusory for everyone to have an inoculation.
The problem is the disease is in the injection. In this way the authorities can be selective in who they want to survive. Sounds incredible ? Maybe Swine Flue was a practice.................................................
Do not take life too seriously - you are not going to get out of it alive anyway.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
It would need too many ground soldiers and infrastructure to deliver quickly without some-one blowing the horn.
Posts: | 240 |
Date registered | 12.27.2009 |
No it wouldn't just panic. If people were told they couldn't have the jab they would be demanding it'. SB
Do not take life too seriously - you are not going to get out of it alive anyway.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
Strangely, I went 58 years without taking anything but the minimum amount of prescribed drugs even aspirin. I was as fit as a fiddle all my life with never an ill day.
Then after visiting an optician for an eye test I am told I need to go to the hospital as I have had a minor stroke.
I am diagnosed with dangerously high blood pressure. After tests and whatever I am put on a drug regime for what looks like the rest of my life.
Since commencing this treatment I have hardly had a good day, if my wife would let me get away with it, i would stop taking the drugs because I am sure they are doing more harm than good.
Make Love, Not War
I know how you feel Phil. I was a bit like you in that. Other than hay fever medication when i was young, antibiotics a couple of times, and an occasional aspirin, I rarely used drugs. This changed when the centre I worked for asked for (paid) volunteers to test out a mild pain killer. You had to have a full medical before they would accept you, and i expected to be told i was overweight, but it was high blood pressure, high cholesterol, lots of tablets. That must have been 11-12 years ago. At the time I wasn't too happy at all those pills, but about a year after I had started taking them the husband of a friend of mine , a year younger than me, healthy, sporting, not overweight, admittedly a very stressful job, just died of a heart attack completely unexpectedly. No-one was expecting it and there were no signs that it might happen, but he had never bothered with doctors, other than the usual necessary visits. I think that , if I hadn't had that medical, I would probably have popped off like him years ago.
Posts: | 3.265 |
Date registered | 12.26.2009 |
The thing is when I was under the hospital I kept going there every month for a check up and my family doctor as well. I only time I had met him prior to this was because of my wife.
I asked the hospital why I needed to report to them every month as well as my GP, when all they did was the same tests. The reply was well we just want to keep an eye on you. Needless to say that was the last they seen of me.
I got more information from my GP anyway. He told me there might be side effects from the drugs I was on. Boy was he right, but with a little perseverance and some chopping and changing we found the right balance and combination of drugs. Well at least a compromise that was tolerable that did the job.
Make Love, Not War