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I would have thought that sort of thing would be left to the butler maam.
The email of the species is more deadly than the mail.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
Our wheelie bins are now in use.
They were delivered about six weeks ago and were due for first collection last Wednesday yet nothing happened until this morning.
What did happen made a mockery of our careful separation of rubbish and we will have to wait two weeks to see if it is normal practice.
It was a recycling collection so there were normal refuse bins and recycling bins with a paper and card basket suspended above the bottles and tins.
I watched as the paper baskets were emptied onto the bottles and in some cases bags from the normal bins were forced into the recycling bins.
The upshot being that all the rubbish went in mixed together into a single garbage truck and it still took them three times longer than usual.
Not a good start but further evidence that recycling is a waste of effort.
I did observe a garbage truck, with three men in it, sitting in our road for twenty minutes at a time on four separate occasions during the week.
I think they came for some green waste in bags that were put out by a single house. Why they had so many attempts at it is a mystery.
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Posts: | 18.439 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
my feelings on wheelie bins will never change...back in the day the binmen really worked for their money...coming down the entry into the yard or back garden humping the bins on shoulders and ash bins on their heads...physically emptying them into the wagons and then bringing them back to where they belonged..today we are doing most of the job for them and i reckon we pay enough council tax not to have to be forced into doing this.....wheelies bins are just not practical in a lot of cases especially where we are expected to heave them up and down 6 steps or more in some cases to get them onto the pavements and if people do not have access to the back of the house ie an entry are we expected to drag them though the house or leave them outside the front window as a sort of new decoration.. binmen of today have it easy and from what i observe leave more rubbish lying around after collection...no wonder they dont get a christmas box anymore...i wouldnt give them a penny..our wheelies arrive sometime between next feb and may and i am not looking forward to it at all...
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
Wheelies bins have been in telford for some time now,we have 3 of them each 1 for glass tins and plastic ,1 for garden rubbish and 1 for household stuff which is not on the recycleing list ,you just get use to them eventually ,don't mean you have to like them.
Posts: | 12.733 |
Date registered | 07.31.2013 |
The best thing about them is their size, they hold way more than the old dustbins ever could.
The worst thing about them is their size, they are enormous and very heavy when full. Where are people supposed to keep them?
A side effect of the wheelie bin is that foxes are going to find it harder to scavenge for scraps.
I have started putting out anything they can eat to try and compensate. The problem now is that the cats and rats often get there first.
No doubt foxes will start to show themselves in daylight in their quest to get a dinner.
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Posts: | 18.439 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
We have only put our wheelies out once so far and so far I like em. Having been out many times over many years at 6.30 in the morning carting freezing cold and soaking wet black bags up the path, these bins are almost civilised.
The email of the species is more deadly than the mail.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
We have recently been informed ,we may be getting a small one early next year,for food waste,that will be the 4th one.
Posts: | 12.733 |
Date registered | 07.31.2013 |
We are getting our bins in the new year im dreading it
because there is a big slope up to our house
Posts: | 16.941 |
Date registered | 02.28.2012 |
You'll have to rig up a winch to help you wind it up and down that slope, or get someone else to do it.
Posts: | 12.733 |
Date registered | 07.31.2013 |
Although we have wheelie bins ,we still use black bags,then put the bag in the bin ,it stops the bin getting messed up inside ,in the warm weather they can smell horrible ,I usually get the hose pipe in ours ,then turn it upside down to let it dry for a few hours ,keeps the smell away in the summer.
Posts: | 12.733 |
Date registered | 07.31.2013 |
Quote: Slow Jo wrote in post #42
Although we have wheelie bins ,we still use black bags,then put the bag in the bin ,it stops the bin getting messed up inside ,in the warm weather they can smell horrible ,I usually get the hose pipe in ours ,then turn it upside down to let it dry for a few hours ,keeps the smell away in the summer.
Posts: | 15.017 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
i have had wheely bins for around 18 years i think, we used to have really big ones, but i think there was to much pressure on the tip, so they are smaller now, yellow for recycle, blue for green waste and plain for rubbish, seems to work well
Posts: | 1.947 |
Date registered | 11.27.2012 |
So then, not for the first time we are talking rubbish on Brummies Talking.
The email of the species is more deadly than the mail.
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |