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Who is your Favourite Party Leader
Now you have been watching them avidly on the television and reading about them every day in the papers, who would you like to see win the Election and why not.?
Arguing with an idiot is like teaching a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time, and it only annoys the pig!
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
I'm with Signman.
Margaret Thatcher was a proper leader.
She was setupon by her own party and I haven't voted for them since.
I can't bring myself to vote for any of the other freaks either.
From my point of view we have enjoyed a Conservative government ever since Labour got in, anyway.
Blair wanted to be MT but couldn't quite be man enough.
I disagree with your premise SB, regarding TV and newspapers, I haven't read a newspaper in english for 30 years.
I can only watch politicians, if indeed that is what they are, acting like 10 years olds on TV, for a few minutes before I have to move on.
The other day some guy called NIck Clogg, and I may have this wrong because it was just a 30 second news clip, said Homophobes, Racists and people who say Global Warming doesn't exist are all the same and are the sort of people who vote for the other parties, what a guy, don't you just love him already.
"Cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their minds than we are aware of." Sir Walter Scott
Posts: | 18.439 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
No vote for any of them from me,first time in my life I will not be voting.They are not worth it.
As for MT,I can not genuinely understsan how any working class person could want to vote for her or her party.They have done nothing for your everyday person and never will.
I agree with Signman bring MT back, then put her up against a wall and shoot her for murdering British Industry. Her party didn't get the knives out soon enough.
Make Love, Not War
Phil, the unions ruined british industry, imagine what would have happened with the Falklands if any of these
P***TS had been in charge, at least she had the courage of her own convictions, end of story.
Sorry John
You and I are going to have to disagree about this. I think the Unions made England. If it was not for them we would still be seeing six year old children climbing down chimneys and working down the pits and in the mills.
People would still be starving in the streets and dying of curable diseases simply because they couldn't afford medicines.
And to go back to "that woman" would you like to explain away the lies she told when Arthur Scargill first brought the miners out. "no mines will be closed, not one" so she got the miners back to work, stockpiled the coal and started closing the pits. When the miners came out the second time they didn't stand a chance.
John, try visiting any mining town, shipbuilding town or steel making town and ask the population to thank MT for all the good she did them.
John I was brought up for a major part of my life in a strong Tory household. I have been self employed for most of my life and therefore should be a Tory, but I am working class through and through and I have never once seen the Tories do anything to help my class.
Make Love, Not War
Well that post raised a few comments.
Arguing with an idiot is like teaching a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time, and it only annoys the pig!
Posts: | 43.994 |
Date registered | 12.22.2009 |
I make one other comment about the Falklands and it's not me that says it. it's a pretty well known fact that MT knew what was about to happen and did nothing about it. She wanted the Falklands war and she as good as manufactured it.
It all could have been avoided if she had just arranged some military and naval exercises out that way a month or so before.
Make Love, Not War
I think you are attributing to the unions the sort of social advances that any civilised country will make by natural progression.
You might just as well say the unions invented the semiconductor and gave us all computers, based on the fact that they just happened to be around at the time.
There are few things in life as undemocratic as a union.
There was a time when you couldn't get a job without being a member of one of these 3rd party communist organisations, that makes my blood boil even now they are toothless busybodies, having destroyed the industries they were strongest in.
"Cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their minds than we are aware of." Sir Walter Scott
Posts: | 18.439 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
You are a bunch of losers, I don't know why I even bother to come here.
What?.......the keyboards is live......so people can read what I type?
How could you let this happen?
People I must apologise for my inadvertent comments which you may have read.
I clearly mispoke.
I misunderstood the question, I didn't know the keyboard was on. I'm only human.
Now I've apologised so it's like I never said it and now everything is all better.
Vote for me, I'm a guy you can trust.
"Cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their minds than we are aware of." Sir Walter Scott
Posts: | 18.439 |
Date registered | 02.24.2010 |
I am sick of listening to Gordon Brown's private conversation and the frenzy the media has stirred up.
One good thing for me is that it has confirmed the fact that they will not tackle imigration.He said he did not want that woman put in front of him.Why because they want to close their ears to the problems that having an open door has caused.
A private comment was made, that if it were not election time not one shred of notice would have been taken of it.
But I agree I don't think that for all the noise being made that any party will do anything to slow down and eventually stop immigration.
I think that the only reasonable party talking any sense over this issue is UKIP and although I have said that I would never vote again rather than vote anything but Labour as I can't bring myself and never have been able to vote for Nu Labour. I just might be persuaded to vote UKIP.
Make Love, Not War
Blimey, that put the cat among the pigeons, I'd better not say anything else, although I'm sticking to my guns.
You say what you want to say, nobody is complaining. It is your given right as an Englishman and Brummie to have your own opinion. We still have the right of free speech in this country no matter how curtailed it may be. So as long as you keep within the laws of this country and more importantly this forum you continue to say what you want.
I may not agree with your political opinion, but I would be the last one to try to stop you from stating it on here. I think we are all adult enough to argue both ends of an argument without falling out over it. Don't worry if I see any sign of that happening I will put a stop to it in my capacity as moderator, and not just because I might be losing the argument.
Make Love, Not War